Hello! I am a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Communication at Stanford University, where I am a member of the Stanford Social Media Lab and am advised by Professor Jeff Hancock. Before coming to Stanford, I recieved two B.S. degrees (in Economics and Political Science) from The Ohio State University, where I was a member of the Communication and Cognitive Systems Lab.

In August 2025 I will be joining the School of Information at The University of Texas at Austin as a tenure-track Assistant Professor.

My research program focuses on older adults’ digital media and technology use. Most broadly, I am interested in identifying how older adults can effectively use digital media and technology to pursue their everyday goals, as well as understanding ways to help older adults build resilience to online threats such as mis/disinformation and scams. My other research explores how people encounter, process, and engage with (problematic) information online. I use a variety of methods in my work, including large-scale digital trace data, online and lab experiments, surveys, content analysis, and computational linguistics.

Visit the Research tab to view my publications and more about my ongoing work. My full CV is available here.